December 5, 2012


Visit with Dr. Jones went well in a way. The full blood tests hadn’t come back so we don’t know the Protein Count and are not able to determine if it’s time yet. {sigh} Of course the main objective is a Zero Protein count to have the best outcome for full remission (which I KNOW we will achieve and dare I say Cure even). We have one more Saturday of regular (LOL) oral Chemo another blood test coming up and a visit with Dr. Wang (oncologist). The minor side effects are not bad, Johnny is handling them pretty well. Frequent breaks in activity, rest and his super sense of humor are helpful, not to mention his amazing Spirit.

In the meantime:

Our home away from home A/K/A The Tin Palace, is nestled in its little slot at the RV Park. I am fastly filling it up! I have so much of my Art’ing stuffs there I fear I won’t have anything to work with here at Home. Y’all believe that right? No worries I have plenty of stuffs here, the issue is having the time to get to it. After staying at the Palace I have a new list of To Do’s.

Please note the usage of the word “room” in regards to the Palace is a loose term for tiny area. Ok on with the list: Park light shining in the bedroom, Curtain o’Blockage to make; need 2 so the room is balanced. The couch is as hard as a quilt covered rock, we have the foam from the bunk tear out, I can use that for cushions.

And with that thought I’m off to my fabric cabinet in search of finding a large enough chunk to work with…Joyce’age --- Ou Ou Ou don’t forget the coordinating throw pillows.

A busy mind combined with busy hands creates a happy soul that doesn’t dwell in places that should not be dwelled in.

Thank you all for the prayers, keep ‘em going up!


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