October 25, 2012

Not Much

to update

Saw the pain Dr. Chai this week. He increased the dosage of blah blah as that appears to be helping the nerve pain…still as a result from Shingles outbreak 2 ¾ months ago. Hubby says,

“Get your shingles shot! Trust me you don’t want the pain.”

The new oral chemo is making Johnny tired and a bit foggy headed from time to time, but then again sometimes cancer can also do that.

Good news (did I tell y’all already?) his Blood Pressure has been wonderful, bordering on the low side. I stopped his BP medicine, with permission of course cause I’m not a Doctor…maybe Dr. Mom or Dr. Honey but not a Doctor {insert wink}

It is looking like we are appointment free for a couple of weeks, seeing the oncologist Dr. Wang November 12th & the SCT Dr. Jones a day or so later.

Love y’all & thank you Thank You THANK YOU for the continued prayers. 

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