August 4, 2016

It's been a year

We continue to go in for tests and have had a few rounds of chemo over the past year. As of right now it is stable . . . there but stable.

As usual we still see not only the oncologist, but other doctors down at MD Anderson to keep an eye on all his systems.

Yes we still request prayers, without you we couldn't have done this well and come this far. This time of year brings extra stress for us as I'm sure it may do for you . . . the changing of medical insurance season. The hospital only accepts insurance that covers at least 60%, they do NOT take any HMO's. As some of you may have found out the insurances offered through the government exchange is ONLY HMOs.

Please pray that we continue to have adequate medical insurance that MD Anderson will accept

thank you so much for all your prayers and positive energy on our behalf, may God bless you all with abundant good health, financial support along with love, joy and harmony in all that you do.

Richmond Texas

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