September 17, 2010

Journal me a Movie

This week’s Challenge over at Art-it does a body good was to actually use journaling, written word, more on our page, based on our favorite movie. Well I’m of the unique sort and seldom have favorites, mostly because I don’t like to limit myself in any of the art genres. Please don’t judge me for my opinion as it is a personal one. I love movies and have more then I can really store reasonably. But to keep to the movie theme I have chosen one of my memories. Yes memories are just like the movies only with our own scenes, scripts, celebrities, etc.

So the gist of this Mental Image movie called Glory, we had gotten some bad news and that evening was one of the most beautiful sunsets I had ever seen. It filled me with hope and love and the faith that all would be well. The journaling I did is the actual story, it resides in an envelope disguised as a Theater Marquee.

Okay, y’all surely know the drill by now…I’ll be around to see your page soon if not sooner.

1 comment:

Kym said...

What a clever idea to do memories as movies. Creative. And a lovely page too.

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